총 게시물 384건, 최근 0 건

EM Sunday Bulletin 4-3

글쓴이 : 타코마 중앙장로… 날짜 : 2022-04-03 (일) 06:28 조회 : 243
4-3-2022_EM.pdf (1.2M), Down : 0, 2022-04-03 06:28:14

*** Bible Verse for April ***

"Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain.

Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain"

(Psalm 127:1)

▣ Announcements

1. Sunday Worship Service time change9:30am starting 4/17(3rdserviceat11am).

*TeamK5(children)/Youth Group/Open Worship service: 11am starting 4/17.

2. Lenten: 3/2-4/16.

    Bible Reading & Hand Copying the Gospels during the Lent and after.

       *3/2-4/16(during Lenten) NT read through/4Gospel Hand Copy

       *3/2-6/9(100days) OT/NT Bible read through

3. Immanuel IN-PERSON Meeting: 4/9(Sat) 1pm @ Fellowship Hall (Potluck Lunch)

Contact: Sung Roberts (253)973-3659.

4. TCPC Spring Global Early Morning Online Revival: 4/18-23(Mon-Sat) 6am www.youtube.com/c/tcpctv hosted by Sarang Church of Seoul, Korea.

5. Children's VBS: 6/27-30(Mon-Thu) 9am-12:15pm *Volunteer wanted(contact: Eddie psynius@gmail.com, Monica director teamk5@owtcpc.org, Jeremy jeremyyoondmd@gmail.com

6. Ukraine Relief Offering: mark as designation offering.

7. <Spike for Ukraine> Volleyball Tournament: 4/9(Sat) 1-4pm Gym. 6+players per team(must include a female and/or a youth). Register by 4/3(fee $30 per team) to pastor David Rho  dvdrho@gmail.com/253.486.7242. All proceeds will go towards supporting pastor Suh & the Ukrainian Refugees.

*Volunteers & Donations welcome.

8. Year-End Contribution ReportforFY2021: Request at church office(253.589.8900) or on Katalk(ID: TCPCtacoma)/Email office@itcpc.org(Member#, Name). Pick up at office or mail to the address.

9. Daily Living Water for April is available at office.

▣ Church Event Calendar▣



*Bible reading & Hand Copy campaign


Palm Sunday


Easter Sunday

*Worship service time change to 9:30am




Infant Baptism