총 게시물 37건, 최근 0 건

오레곤 유형자 선교사님 소식

글쓴이 : 생명나무 날짜 : 2016-01-02 (토) 11:08 조회 : 2349

오레곤 교도서 유형자 선교사님의 소식


존경하는 기도 동역자님께,


"너희는 이전일을 기억하지 말며 옛날 일을 생각하지 말라 보라 내가 일을 행하리니 이제 나타낼 것이라.."  이사야 43 18-19a


다사다난했던 2015년도 역사속의 옛적일로 지나고 이제 새해 시간을 맞이했습니다.

지난 한해동안도  저희 교도소 선교를 위하여 그리스도의 사랑과 긍휼의  마음으로 함께 기도해 주셔서 감사합니다.


오늘 새해 첫날 시간에 주님의 약속의 말씀을 묵상해 봅니다.

지난 한해 동안도 주님을 나의 왕으로 인생의 주님으로 모시지 못하고 내가 주인이 되어 살아왔던 모든 죄와 허물을 회개합니다.

죄인을 죄악대로 갚지 아니하시고 약한 자를 강하게 붙드시며 미련한 자에게 지혜를, 두려워하는 자에게는 평안을 주시는 좋으신 우리 하나님 아버지께 존귀와 감사와 영광을 드리며 우리를 구원해주시는 예수 그리스도 주님께 찬양을 끊임없이 드려지는 해가 되기를 소망합니다.

우리에게 새해를  열어주시며 우리안에 일을 행하시며 나타내주시는 권능의 하나님 성령님께 모든 경배를 올려드립니다.


새해에 주님께서 우리에게 행하실 일들을 기대하며 감사와 찬미로 주님께 나아갑니다.


크리스마스 연말이 되면 수감수들은 가장 어려운 시간입니다.

밖에 사람들은 자유롭게 마음대로 연말을 가족과 사랑하는 사람들과 함께 시간을 나눌 있지만 철장안에 같혀진 사람들은 모든 것을 초월하고 조그마한 사면이 벽으로 가려진 공간에서 차가운 겨울을 탄식하며 보내고 있습니다.   그러나 긍휼과 자비하심이 크신 하나님은 그들을 쓸어안으시고 그리스도의 은혜의 복음을 듣게하시고 회개로 통하여 주님께로 나오도록 인도하시며 이들안에 일을 행하고 계십니다할레루야!



지난 10 11 수감수들의 기도제목을 올립니다.


2016, 기쁘고 복된 평강의 새해가 되시기를 축원합니다.





Ambyr D. 11/07/2015 - I need help because I have been judged mentally. I need help becoming more aware of my surroundings and people around me. for family Jasmyn, Tami, Shawn, Flex, Autumn, Amethyst, Harry. thank you that I am HIV/AIDS negative.

11/14/2015 - For Chris-he's being released from prison soon and is an alcoholic , he's been in prison for 6 years. For Autumn, Amethyst, Flex, Shawn, Tami, Jasmyn, Harry,.

11/21/215 - For Christina and her 2 children, Precy and her child. For grandma, Jasmyn, Dad, Mom, Autumn, Amythyst. thank you for blessing me with your gift of tongues


Arlene J. -  My son Jack is OK? He passed away 2012, and my mother and two sisters passed away, that they know I love them. God bless.


Ashley P - Pray court goes as planned and I get released tomorrow.


Amy 11/17/2015 - Pray for the woman in here and myself that God's will may come into their life with heart and acceptance.


Amanda 11/12/2015 - I need prayer that the house bill 3503 is put into effect to those who are already in prison as well as the extra trans leave and percentage of good time. Protection for my family and that they too find God as well as a church and begin attending regularly, That Maxine continues her 21  day fast- strength and willpower to her.

11/19/2015- A more intimate relationship with God. The Holy Spirit the 3503 law goes into effect so I can go home sooner, Protection over my family, salvation for my son Zach , My family to begin attending church regularly. I am feeling my relationship becoming strange i am hearing what God tells me.


Becky L - 11/03/2015 - to make sure my 11 month old daughter is safe, healthy and okay and to make sure I am okay sitting with myself and mental health, and God be the judge everyone know and find out I am not guilty , and I am out of my family soon.


Brianne 11/17/2015 - For my new charges I'm looking at.


Bonita F. 11/12/2015- For healing-Diabetes, Hepatitis C, any other thing coming against my body.. For salvation for my children Tyane & Christine and brother Ronnie Ford, For Tasha Cespulio for her children in DHS custody. Keep them safe and give them comfort also comfort for Tasha

11/19/2015 - Pray for strength against the enemy and that God give me a burning desire to be in his word and His presence, I have true relationship with God. Salvation for my children Tyane & Christine Ford. for my brother Ronnie Ford.  He showed me His love for me through  the song of songs.


Connie S. 11/032015 - For thanksgiving. God bless and I just want to go home after 5 1/2 months. Thank you

11/10/2015 - Please pray for Mandy, for me. Please pray for Basil for safe at school.


Chaplan C. 11/03/2015 -Will you pray that my husband William finds it his heart to forgive me and to help me. Also pray that I find a man   named Michael, I just want to talk with him, Pray that I find myself thriving outside of jail.thank you so much. Hope to get out of jail on Thursday Nov 5th.


Cynthia S. 11/10/2015 - That this generation will raise the next generation without hate. I want pray for me I get the program and get early release treatment.


Dawn P - 11/07/2015 -To pray I got earlier release treatment, I have good chance I get it and I get a chance I don't Coffee Creek and I really want to treatment , I have problem with Meth & did heroin 30 yrs plus meth for 20 years and I know I really will quit drugs for good. please pray for me. thank you.

11/10/2015 - I want when court 11/18/2015 goes and 12/03/2015 and I early release treatment. thank you.


Deni C.- 11/07/2015 - I'm struggling with depression. My 2 sons Kevin & Kasey, they are grown but they are struggling with depression and addiction, Both have known the Lord but struggling, I got a letter from my oldest son, He is no longer homeless, Yeah!

11/14/2015 - I am struggling with overeating disorder and need prayer. Thank you I want to be closer to Jesus. For sons Kevin and Kasey, drugs and alcohol addiction, both have known Jesus but backslide.


Henreitta R.- 11/05/2015 -Please pray that my pain would would stop so I can work a good job I want to work at CDC, the canteen job, I am not sure what the name of it., For my son that he would get off drugs and drinking and that my daughter and her family be safe in Alaska and for a blessing for them all. For my friend here in prison that her time will be shorten.

11/12/2015 - I'm having a hard time with anger and patience and I'm in a lot of pain and my blood pressure is really high, My son Bob is using and drinking and is away from his family because he cant get along with his wife, so his 2 children are being fatherless, He doesn't talk to me, Hasn't for years. He does with his sister that lives in Alaska in a different town Arielle needs prayer also, I want her to come back to the Lord and teach my grandson of Jesus, they need Jesus in their life their names are Wayne, Blake and Dad's name is Sam.


Heidi M 11/19/2015 - To find peace and balance in my life, Learn things from this experience, My husband at OSCI wants a divorce.


Irene V. 11/19/2015 - Pray for more of Him less of me, For the Holy Spirit to move in my life, to be an example in Christ. For my son and grand baby girl. For Mom and step Dad, My families Salvation, Fo god to move in Coffee Creek.


Jeanette M.- 11/05/2015 - Lord give me discernment and strength. Hold me close to you and take me down your path Lord, Open doors that lead me to where you want me to be and close doors that aren't of you or the way you want me to go., I got served divorce papers and I have an apt tonight with Law library to file a response. Lord you know my heart and you know what's best for me, let your will be done and guide me so I follow your will. Pray for Angeala's family in a car accident yesterday, also pray for Justin, Dusty and Owenn. Draw them closer to you Lord and help them to walk in your light.

11/12/2015 - Lord give me strength, patience, discernment and help me love without judgement like you love continue pulling me closer to you, over fill my cup and Holy spirit, please dwell in me and shine through me , Prepare my future, I want to always follow you., I am going through a divorce, yet I don't want a divorce, I still love my husband, Pray that God's will will be done and pray for my husband to stay sober and get his son back from DHS. Kerri Farr gets out of prison 11/27/2015. Lord please close the doors ahead of her that aren't of you and open the doors you want her to go through, Help her stay sober.


Jen B. - 11/07/2015 -